
In a world haunted by malevolent spirits committing heinous acts, a group of individuals find themselves drawn together by a shared desire for revenge against those who have wronged them. As they delve deeper into the chilling mysteries of their past, they must confront their darkest secrets and face the horrifying consequences of seeking retribution from the vengeful spirits that lurk in the shadows of the present and future.

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In a world haunted by malevolent spirits committing heinous acts, a group of individuals find themselves drawn together by a shared desire for revenge against those who have wronged them. As they delve deeper into the chilling mysteries of their past, they must confront their darkest secrets and face the horrifying consequences of seeking retribution from the vengeful spirits that lurk in the shadows of the present and future.

In a world haunted by malevolent spirits committing heinous acts, a group of individuals find themselves drawn together by a shared desire for revenge against those who have wronged them. As they delve deeper into the chilling mysteries of their past, they must confront their darkest secrets and face the horrifying consequences of seeking retribution from the vengeful spirits that lurk in the shadows of the present and future.